LED Lighting Accessories

Lighting harnesses, electronic signal flasher and load resistors

Signal light flashers operate on the principal that when a load is applied to them (the resistance of a bulb) they heat up to open the contact thereby making them flash. But your new LED bulbs draw so little that they can’t heat up the element enough to open the circuit. Or, if it’s a late model vehicle, the built in warning system sees no load and warns you by flashing fast so you know you have a problem. The solution to your problem lies below.

Add a load resistor to each circuit that had a bulb replaced with an LED bulb. Solder one in place between the signal light wire and the ground wire, add a couple of screws to hold them down to a piece of metal and problem solved. *** Warning *** Load resistors get hot. Mount them on something that can take the heat.


CF13 electronic signal flasher. Use when upgrading to LED bulbs.

Signal light flasher
Delivery time:Normally ships within 48 hours
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CF14 electronic signal flasher. Use when upgrading to LED bulbs.

Signal light flasher
Delivery time:Normally ships within 48 hours
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EFL2 electronic signal flasher. Use when upgrading to LED bulbs. Notes, Replaces Grote 44810, Same design as Grote 44710, Fits standard round sockets

Signal light flasher
Delivery time:Normally ships within 48 hours
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Load resistor, 6 ohm 50 watt, single. Solves light out and fast signal light flashing

LED Auxilary Lighting
Delivery time:Normally ships within 48 hours
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Prewired 3157 resistor harness, simulates regular bulb installation. Each

LED Light bulbs
Delivery time:Normally ships within 48 hours
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Prewired 1157 resistor harness, simulates regular bulb installation. Each

LED Light bulbs
Delivery time:Normally ships within 48 hours
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Prewired 7443 resistor harness, simulates regular bulb installation. Each

LED Light bulbs
Delivery time:Normally ships within 48 hours
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