1156 and 1157 LED Bulbs

1156 and 1157 Style Bulbs

1156 and 1157 Style Bulbs are a twist in type of bulb and are typically used in older vehicles. The base sizes are physically the same dimensions, but the 1156 only have two circuits. 1156 are generally used for backup lights, while 1157 for flasher and brake lights. Warning, if you install the wrong bulb it will short out the circuits and can blow a fuse.

Didn’t find what you’re looking for on this site? Try it’s brother site, GoRecon.ca The LED Replacement Bulbs page has many replacement bulbs that can be ordered from there as well.


1156 LED bulbs, pair/White/G12 Series/15 watts each, 9V-60V

LED Light bulbs
Delivery time:Normally ships within 48 hours
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1157 LED bulbs, pair/6 watt/Red

LED Light bulbs
Delivery time:Normally ships within 48 hours
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1157 High Power Switchback style LED Bulbs, White on park light & Amber on signal, One Pair

Switchback LED Bulb
Delivery time:Normally ships within 48 hours
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1157 LED bulbs, pair/White/G12 Series/15 watts each

LED Light bulbs
Delivery time:Normally ships within 48 hours
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